Is Soy Really Nature’s Miracle Food?

… if so, then why are so many vegetarians and health conscious fanatics so sick!!! WHAT is the actual motivation behind this hype, or again have the facts been twisted for profit gains?!

As one of the most controversial food topics and in my belief, unfermented SOY has a total misconception as a health food. Our science is inconsistent and contradictory in proving it:


Although it has been widely promoted as having amazing health benefits from heart disease to ingrown toe nails, people are roped in to this wellness belief as it surely cannot be for the taste.



Fermented ‘Good’ Soy

The Japanese generally eat organic fermented soy. These may in certain cases prevent cancers and other diseases due to the fermentation and degradation of bacteria which breaks down the harmful elements from the soil ie aluminum etc. Good soy also has Isoflavones which aids protein digestion.

Good sources: e.g.: Tempeh, Miso and a good non chemical soy sauce. Then Natto, which is extremely high in Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is essential in the prevention of osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, brain diseases such as dementia, as well as protection against various cancers including prostate, lung, liver cancer and leukemia.

Unfermented ‘Bad’ Soy

This is deficient in isoflavones and full of toxins that block the much needed enzymes for protein digestion. Domestically grown soy is GMO, due to the fact that they incorporate a gene that provides resistant to a pesticide known as ‘Roundup’. Roundup allows for a greater crop production. Along with all this, the GMO soy bean is high in Phytic -acid, which is present in the hull or bran of the seed. Phytic-acid also prevents the absorption of essential minerals eg calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc.

Bad Sources: Tofu, Soy milk or soy meat substitutes. Products containing hydrolyzed vegetable proteins. Margarine, vegetable oils, mayonnaise, salad dressing, protein bars, to name a few. Processes foods. Foods containing GMO and lecithin will definitely contain soy.

RISKS OF CONSUMING SOY…From Infants to Adults


This is to be avoided at all costs. Baring the fact these are the key stages of brain and body development, it’s been proven that babies are consuming 20 thousand times more estrogen through their blood stream than needed, equaling an estimation of 5 birth control pills of o-estrogen per day.


Complications may only arise at puberty where they develop a lot earlier due to excess estrogen. According to a study, young female hamsters fed the soy isoflavone showed physical signs of sexual maturity and are interest in mating much earlier than female hamsters that matured naturally.


Delayed or in worst cases a total retarding in sexual development. The most recent piece of evidence is a case study of a 19-year-old who become vegan, after consuming soy in large quantities, he soon experienced loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.


Goitrogens are substances that block the synthesis of thyroid hormones and interfere with iodine metabolism, thereby interfering with your thyroid function ie Hyperthyroidism. phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function affecting the menstrual cycle as well as promoting breast cancer. In pregnancy it may block the nutritional value uptake to your unborn child resulting in birth defects or miscarriage.


Higher risk of lowered sperm count or sterility. Soy protein strips masculinity!


Infertility stemming into the third generation. Thyroid dysfunctions, especially Hyperthyroidism. Kidney stone, weak immune system food allergies digestive problems. Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders.



For starters each person can take personal responsibility for their health and do your own FACTUAL research. Over and above this the French food agencies are insisting that all labels have warning signs. Other foreign Government are stepping on board with their health concerns.

All GMO (genetically modified products) are hugely damaging to humans and animals. Read your labels before buying products.

Research : from Mercola, Kaayla Daniel, Men’s Health, LIVE Strong, Global Healing Center and David Wolf